Monday 24 September 2012

Classic and integrated application pool modes in IIS 7

You may have noticed that when creating or editing application pools in IIS 7 you can choose between 2 different modes: Classic and Integrated. So what’s the difference?

Firstly, a quick reminder on how to get to the application pools. Crack open the IIS manager and select Application Pools from the connections tree-view on the left. You’ll see a list of application pools which you can select. If you right-click on an application pool and choose “Basic settings…” in the pop-up menu you can change the “Managed pipeline mode” using a drop-down. [2]



IIS manager showing basic settings for an application pool


Microsoft documentation describes an application pool in the following terms:

“An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or a set of worker processes. Application pools set boundaries for the applications they contain, which means that any applications that are running outside a given application pool cannot affect the applications in the application pool.” [1]

It goes on to say:

“The application pool mode affects how the server processes requests for managed code. If a managed application runs in an application pool with integrated mode, the server will use the integrated, request-processing pipelines of IIS and ASP.NET to process the request. However, if a managed application runs in an application pool with classic mode, the server will continue to route requests for managed code through Aspnet_isapi.dll, processing requests the same as if the application was running in IIS 6.0.” [1]

In versions of IIS prior to version 7, ASP.NET integrated with IIS via an ISAPI extension (aspnet_isapi.dll) and and ISAPI filter (aspnet_filter.dll). It therefore exposed its own application and request processing model which resulted in “ASP.NET components executing entirely inside the ASP.NET ISAPI extension bubble and only for requests mapped to ASP.NET in the IIS script map configuration” [3]. So, in effect, there were 2 pipelines: one for native ISAPI filters and another for managed application components (ASP.Net). This architecture had limitations:

“The major limitation of this model was that services provided by ASP.NET modules and custom ASP.NET application code were not available to non-ASP.NET requests. In addition, ASP.NET modules were unable to affect certain parts of the IIS request processing that occurred before and after the ASP.NET execution path.” [4]

In IIS 7 the ASP.NET runtime was integrated with the core web server, providing a unified request processing pipeline exposed to both native and managed components.

Some benefits of the new architecture include:

  • Allowing services provided by both native and managed modules to apply to all requests, regardless of handler. For example, managed Forms Authentication can be used for all content, including ASP pages, CGIs, and static files.
  • Empowering ASP.NET components to provide functionality that was previously unavailable to them due to their placement in the server pipeline. For example, a managed module providing request rewriting functionality can rewrite the request prior to any server processing, including authentication.
  • A single place to implement, configure, monitor and support server features such as single module and handler mapping configuration, single custom errors configuration, single url authorization configuration. [3]

There’s a nice description of how ASP.Net is integrated with IIS 7 here.
